Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Panic Attack & Praise Report

We are sitting in Dulles Airport in DC waiting for our flight to board in about 2 hours. Thirty minutes ago I checked my email on Micah's phone. There was an email from Holt with the subject: Important Program Update. I opened the email and read that yesterday Holt started contacting families that were to travel in July to tell them there was a miscommunication with the US Embassy in Ethiopia and that many visa interviews have been cut. Families who were to be leaving today will have their pushed back. We immediately called Holt. Our worker stated that of the 10 visa appointments for July 13th, 5 would be seen as scheduled....WE ARE IN THAT 5!!!! It happened that from the 10 families with Jly 13th visa appointments, 5 had already began their travel, these 5 would keep their appointments. Praise God that we began travel on Tuesday--had we waited until today our travel may have been cancelled. My heart sinks for those who received bad news---Lord, protect their hearts.


  1. We heard about the travel arrangements being cut in half for Holt through our Agency email loop. Great news that you got through. Have a great flight. Post often with pics!

  2. Oh thank heavens Sarah and Micah and Jules..
    Our thoughts are with you - If I remember correctly tomorrows is the day you meet your son.
    Patty and rich

  3. Hey guys,

    We want you to know that we have been thinking about you SO MUCH this last week. Can't imagine all of the things you have experienced and how tired you must be. We are so happy that you were able to go and can't wait to see pictures of your little man.

    We eagerly await the day we can hold our little guy in our arms as well.

    Enjoy... give him a tight hug from us. :)

    Your friends,

    Ed and Laura
