Sunday, May 23, 2010

Moving on Up

Goodbye main floor, comfortable, queen sized companion...

One of the transitions being made in adding a member to our family is that we are all moving our bedrooms onto the upper level of our home--and that's what we did this week. Moving upstairs just as the hot summer days begin!--Everyone may need a mister fan next to their bed by July.

Our new digs are in the loft room just at the top of the stairs. From our bed, we can see both of our kids' doors. We want to be close by for any night-time needs--especially in the crucial first months of adjustment. Hopefully the air compressor is not a permanent fixture at the foot of our bed.

We began re-doing the kids' rooms upstairs in March. You can read about Josiah Andinet's room remodel here. Unfortunately, we had redone Julianna's downstairs bedroom just prior to being matched with Andinet. Oh well, all of the redoing just made it's way up stairs.

Julianna's make over was a lot of fun for me--if there has ever been a girl more in love with powder pink and floofy flowers I would be laying down with my legs elevated in shock.
She loves pink and floofy and so I did my best at pink and floofy (spell check will not like this word, I'm sure).

It is amazing what $15 of bubblegum colored paint can do. Actually, I had enough paint left over from the re-do downstairs- so this part was effectively free. Much thanks to The Light Giving Thrift Shop, Salvation Army, Goodwill, Hobby Lobby, and my late grandmother who painted the picture above the bed. If the bedspread or curtains look familiar to something you dropped off at a local thrift shop-- thank you too. Micah, once again, was the plaster and trim man on the job, thanks Babe!

"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes,
in undisturbed places of rest." Is 32:18


  1. I can't believe you have ever said you are not creative. Even if you're a copycat like me, it takes creativity to pull it all together. Love the rooms. Beautiful.

  2. Julianna's new room is so great...perfect! It's so excited to see everything come together.
